Pre-65th Reunion Events

Dear Class Member,

When the spirit moves . . .  over the next three years . . .  prior to our 65th Class Reunion in June 2026, we will be arranging Pre-Reunion Events.  The Pre-Reunion Events Committee, consisting of Joan Hutchins and myself, will be sending you notices of upcoming Events from time to time so that you will know exactly what is coming up. 

Of course, only a few will live near each location and join each group, but you probably will be interested to hear about each Event, just in case it might fit in with your travel plans: 

  1. Meet the Polo ponies and the Harvard Polo Team, with Crocker Snow on May 13th
  2. Visit the Plymouth Plantation where Pilgrims met the Wampanoag and other historic sites such as the New Bedford Whaling Museum, TBD September 2024.

We hope to see you soon.