60th Reunion News, Views and Requests

Your Class Officers and 60th Reunion Co-Chairs are happy to share Reunion news and dates for you to be aware of.

Reunion Schedule (Save the Dates)
In June, 2020 we will publish a complete Reunion Schedule of activities from Monday evening, May 24th through Thursday Commencement, and Radcliffe Day on Friday, May 28, 2021.  You should pre-register in June as “likely to attend,” without making a deposit.  This will allow us to have the information to block sufficient hotel rooms at the Doubletree (if you need them) well in advance.  Please save the dates now.  According to past custom, this will be the last full-scale Class Reunion for us. 

Class Gift
The Permanent Class Gift is almost fully funded.  But we need you to Push the Ball Over the Line.  We have now raised $284,917 towards our goal of $302,000.  That leaves $17,083 to raise.  That will fully fund restoration of the 1677 and 1775 Pitman Dioramas.  You will see them fully restored during the Wednesday lunch at our Reunion. 

Choral Singers within Driving Distance
After the Tuesday, May 25th formal dinner, that will include some members of other Classes, we will have a Concert of about 45 minutes.  There will be some sacred, some secular, some old, some new, and perhaps three or four selections from the Faure Requiem.  Thus far, we have 37 singers signed up from multiple Classes, who are either HGC or RCS alumni, or have been singing regularly for 20 years or more.  If you would be interested in joining us, please let Tom Blodgett know. 

Musicians Too within Driving Distance
There is a possibility that we will want to have instrumental accompaniment for the Faure singing, including two French horns, a cello, and a violin.  Also a harpist if possible.  Does anyone play any of these instruments or know an alumnus, or have a family member who is an accomplished performer?  If so, please send contact information to Tom Blodgett.  We will have a full day rehearsal on Saturday, April 24, 2021, and another on the afternoon of Monday, May 24, 2021, before the Concert Tuesday evening, May 25th

We hope to see you all at our 60th Reunion.

With best regards,